Called by Gaia and Ilahinoor (Divine Light), Denean sings with the whales, expressing the healing energies and prayer of Gaia.
Through a deep profound calling from Gaia to come sit upon her back and commune with her, Denean spent her summer doing just that. While singing songs and prayers, Denean was embraced by the Earth Mother who filled her with the energy of her message and her prayer–Gaia's Prayer.
Ilahinoor means "Divine Light" in Turkish and is an energy from the very heartbeat of the galaxy. The understanding of this light energy was gifted by the whale people who communicated and transmitted this directly to author/healer Kiara Windrider while he was swimming with them.
"When you hear "ee-ahh-ee-oo" in this music, know that this too is the sacred sounds of "Ilahinoor". The intention (and effect through my own experience) is a deeper embodying of light into the physical body as it is within the Earth Mother and connecting more deeply with her magnetic field. This assists not only in expanding in consciousness but also helping to remain more calmly grounded and centered throughout the transitions of these times. Gaia's Prayer is recorded in A=432 Hz." Denean
Below are the main words/phrases and their meanings that are important to understanding the message of this album:
ee-ahh-ee-oo : The sacred sounds of the word "Ilahinoor". Ilahinoor means "Divine Light" in Turkish and Arabic. / Gaia: from the Greek word yaia (gaia) meaning earth or mother goddess of the earth. / Lakota translations for Gaia's Prayer: Tunkasila: means "Grandfather", but its deeper meaning is "all that has come before" / Wakan Tanka: "Great Spirit" / Le miyeye: "This is who I am!" / Wiconiki unsi wala ye: "I have compassion for life"...which conveys "I love all that lives" / Unci Maka le miyeye unsi malaye: " Have compassion for me, the mother who gives life" / Mitakuwe Oyas'in: "We are all related." / Mni: Lakota word for water which means "my life...my breath."

Kiara Windrider, Author
"Let the veils of separation fall away as Denean weaves together the sounds of humpback whales, the energies of Ilahinoor, and her pristine voice to create spectacular compositions of healing sound. Ilahinoor is a field of galactic light that is moving through the earth now to catalyze our next evolutionary journey. As we embody this frequency of light, we co-create a beautiful new earth with Gaia!" -----Kiara Windrider, Author
"I LOVE this CD, and haven't stopped playing it. Denean sings from her heart and soul, and her voice is like an Angel. My favorite track is "Ilahinoor-Divine Human." It gives me the chills and brings tears to my eyes because it is so heart felt! I feel a shift in consciousness when I listen to "Ilahinoor Whale Song." The whole CD is a gift from Spirit!! Most amazing CD ever!" Mariah Windsong
"Gaia’s Prayer is a transcendent work of artistry celebrating embodiment and embracing co-creative intelligence. A journey into the cosmos which in turn takes one deep into the core of being." Ona Matulic (Healing Artist)
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel&Aniko Gresko
"Again a beautiful masterpiece was born from Denean’s heart and soul! Amazing beauty dreamt into sacred sounds …
In the ‘Ilahinoor Whale Song’ the whole story of the Stellar Nations of the Whales can be felt which we wrote about in our books. A kind of ancient pain of an angel and the overwhelming wish for redemptions is crying in their voices but than the universal message and the promise of the future opens up reaching towards the sky.
‘Mni Chant’ is so touching and heartwarming as well, just like all the songs in this album. In ‘Gaia Speaks’ the ancient Lemurian stellar language can be felt also that’s why our soul can recognize so well this calling – Gaia’s Prayer for us, for our redemption…
Thank you, Denean for creating such beauty and becoming a pure channel of these cosmic melodies of the universal heart!"
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel&Aniko Gresko
Authors of Stellar Nations – Soul Families and Calling You
Gaia’s Prayer Song List:
1. Gaia’s Prayer / 2. Ilahinoor - Divine Human / 3. Gaia I Am /
4. Mni Chant/ 5. Gaia Speaks / 6. Ilahinoor Whale Song
2016 Woo Way Intuitive Healing Arts