Song Lyrics
Artist Note: I first wrote this prayer in English. Then it was translated to Lakota. With translation to a metaphoric language, some of the English wording gets altered in the translation. Knowing this, I then asked for the prayer to be translated back to English from Lakota. The result was the words used for this prayer. On the recording the Lakota is spoken first, then the English, but for our purposes here I will list the English translation first.
Grandfather, give blessing to all children who live upon earth and also give blessing to the seven generations that are coming.
Give a clear mind and will to the children who walk toward the future, so that they understand and know peace all over the universe.
Let them have generous affection and well-being, so that all that grows and lives upon earth will be good and strong.
Allow them compassion so that all relations will live.
All of My Relations
Lakota Words:
Tunkasila, maka akan wakanija ninunpi ki hena iyuha wo'okiye wicak'u ye. Nan wicoicage sakowin u ki hena ko wo'okiye wicak'u ye.
Tokatakiya wakanija manipi ki hena tawacinpi nan tawowacinpi ki wicakiciyubleza ye, hecel maka sitomniya wowahwala nan wotakuye okahnigapi nan slolyapi ktelo.
Wacantognake nan wicozani ki hena yuha wicakiyiye, hecel maka akan taku ninpi ki hena ko iwastepi nan was'agya icagapi kte lo. Wounsila yuha wicakiyiye, hecel otakuye oyas'in ninpi kte lo. Mitakuwe Oyas'in
Wakan Tanka! Mitakuwe ob iyuskinyun wanin kte lo!
(Great Spirit! I will live joyfully with my Relations!)
Music by Denean/Prayer by Denean
(A portion of the melody is an adaptation from
original pow-wow dance song by Howard Bad Hand)
Translations by Howard Bad Hand
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Somewhere deep inside of you
Burns the light of sacred truth
Can you find it
Can you find the flame
'Tis a journey you must make
On your own to that holy place
Inside you
There burns the flame
Mysteries of another world
Hid beneath the veil
Infinite universe
Within you prevails
There burns the flame
Spinning on the sacred wheel
Of this life
Find what's real
Look beyond the form
For there burns the flame
Radiant light shining through
May heaven's way come forth in you
Deep in your heart
There burns the flame
Wheel of life teach us now
To walk the crimson road
Bringing forth to this world
The light of the soul
There burns the flame
Somewhere deep inside of you
Burns the light of sacred truth
Can you find it
Can you find the flame
Inside you
There burns the flame
Can you find it
There burns the flame
Deep inside you
There burns the flame
There burns the flame
There burns the flame
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Artist Note: This song honors a most beautiful and sacred ceremony: The Sun Dance. This ceremony is the highest spiritual expression of the Lakota people. With great reverence I offer this song as the expression of my experience with this ceremony.
Sundancer, attach your spirit to the light
Dance for the people, sundancer
Sundancer, like an eagle you take flight
Your heart is strong, you sing your song
Drums like Thunder
As you dance across the sky
We stand in wonder
At this gift you give
Sundancer, attach your spirit to this tree of life
Prayer for peace, pray for peace
Sundancer, pray for the little ones we bring into this world today
May they find their way
Drums like Thunder
As you dance across the sky
We stand in wonder
At this gift you give, sundancer
Wankatakiya etunwan was'agya waciyo!
(Looking upward, dance with strength!)
Tunkasila iyuskinyan cekiyayo!
(Joyfully, pray to Tunkasila!)
Mitakuwe ob yanin kte lo!
(You and my relations will live!)
Sundancer, attach your spirit to the sun
Dance for your people now
Dance for our people too
Sundancer, may all hearts become as one
As we dance with you
As we dance with you
May we dance with you
Dance with you
Sundancer, Sundancer, Sundancer, Sundancer
Music / Lyrics Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Verse melody: adaptation from "Rio Grande"
(a pow wow dance song) by Howard Bad Hand
Lakota Lyrics: Howard Bad Hand
Artist Note: During a time when my Dad was very ill, I would sit and play this melody for him. He loved it so much, I decided to name it for him. Hope you enjoy it too!
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
The winds of fate are blowing now
The sky is turning gray
Thunder Beings dancing
They listen to us pray
When man sits all alone
It is himself that he must face
In the stillness of his truth
How it makes him so afraid
As he sees the limits of his power
He bows his head in humility
New life is born from Thunder
Terrified and trembling
We watch the earth transform
We belong to her, but we forgot
We did not heed the warnings
And as we sit alone
It is ourselves that we must face
No one can decline
For we are all the human race
As we face the consequences of our deeds
Our hearts are filled with shame
The hooves of Thunder
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Oh Thunder
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder
Horse People talking
The silence is shocking
Stirring the heart of man
House of cards is collapsing
The people are asking
They sing the song of
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Oh Thunder
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder
Terrified and trembling
We watch the earth transform
We belong to her, but we forgot
We did not heed her warnings
And as we sit alone
It is ourselves that we must face
In the stillness of the truth
The illusion falls away
As we see the limits of our power
We bow our heads in humility
God comes forth in Thunder
In Thunder, In Thunder, In Thunder, In Thunder
In Thunder
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Artist Note: Allow yourself to be at one with our Earth Mother. Abide there with her as you listen. She will bless you!
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
(Translation: Grandfather)
Song Lyrics
Artist Note: This song is my personal prayer to the Creator. The word Tunkasila means Grandfather. It also means "all that has come before". I am honored that my Lakota friend has added his prayers to mine.
Tunkasila Tunkasila
Hear me as I pray
Tunkasila Tunkasila
May you guide each step on this earthly way
And as I walk may I always remember
The trials of my sisters and brothers
And may I know them with a heart of compassion
May I know each one through your perfect love
Tunkasila Tunkasila Tunkasila Oh Tunkasila
Tunkasila Tunkasila
Hear me as I pray
Tunkasila Tunkasila
May you guide each step on this earthly way
And may I live by the ways you have given
In service on this earth oh may we walk as one
And may I know in my heart all my relations
May I know each one through your perfect love
Tunkasila Tunkasila Tunkasila Oh Tunkasila
Lakota Prayer:
Tunkasila, wowakan nan wowaste unyak'upiki hena wopila unkeniciyapelo.
(Grandfather, the sacred and good things you have given to us. We say thank you for them.)
Yuwanjila maunipi kte lo Tunkasila.
(We walk as one, Grandfather.)
Nan wowahwala, wotakuye, wicozani, nan wicouncage, Tunkasila, yuha naunjinpi ktelo. Tunkasila.
(...and tranquility, making of relations, well-being, and the growth of all things, Grandfather, are what we will stand with, Grandfather.)
Mitakuwe iyuha unsiwicunlapi nan, Tunkasila, iyuskinyan unipi ktelo, Tunkasila.
(All of my relations, we will love, and Grandfather, we will live joyfully, Grandfather.)
Back to lyric:
Tunkasila Tunkasila
Hear me as I pray
Music and Lyrics by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
(Lakota Prayer Translation of Prayer by Howard Bad Hand)
Song Lyrics
You say you never want to see him again
You walk away in anger and fear
Afraid to face yourself
Truth is calling but you don't hear
Truth is calling but you can't hear
You push away the love you feel inside
It's so hard to see it clear
How to make the choices for what's right
Truth is calling, can you hear
Truth is calling, can you hear
Take it to the higher place of love
See it in a different light from above
Take it to the higher place of love
Live the truth your heart is dreaming of
Remove the estrangement
Locked within yourself
Create a new situation
And there you'll find real wealth
Possession of great measure in Spirit's realm
Heavenly treasure in Spirit's realm
It's a journey you must make alone
Uncharted course,you're on your own
You must seek to overcome the fear
For truth is calling you to hear
Truth is calling for you to hear
Take it to the higher place of love
See it in a different light from above
Take it to a higher place of love
Live the truth your heart is dreaming of
I pray for you
Don't fall to passion's illusion
I pray for me
May we rise above confusion
May we both learn Spirit's realm
It's time we learn Spirit's realm
Take it to the higher place of love
See it in a different light from above
Take it to the higher place of love
Live the truth your heart is dreaming of...repeat...fade
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Artist Note: Butterflies are a symbol of self-transformation. Let go of resistance to change and allow yourself to be transformed. Find your wings and fly!
Written by Denean with
Verse melody: adaptation from "Howard's Concerto" by Howard Bad Hand
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Artist Note: You will find that the focal point of this song is the decision to walk the Red Road. To the Lakota people, the spiritual path is called the Red Road. It's called a road because in order for a road to be useful, you have to walk on it. This is true no matter what spiritual path one chooses to follow. What is significant here is finding one's inner truth and living it.
Whispering on the night wind
Hear the cry on man
Searching for a meaning to his life
In his private silence
Alone in his darkness
His heart is finally open to the light
O heyo, O heyo
He glimpses the red road
O heyo, O heyo
Will he follow the red road
Torn between the truth
He feels deep in his heart
And all the worldly tempters in their pride
They battle for possession
Of his very soul
While claiming to be working for what's right
In the social order
That dominates the land
Has the seed of truth been cast aside
Maka akan ninunk'unpi ki wowicake ungnunipi huwo?
(As we live upon the earth, have we lost the truth?)
Thus it may appear so
Convincing by demand
But crouched within the darkness is the light
O heyo, O heyo
Will he follow the red road
O heyo, O heyo
Will he follow the red road
Oh they thought they had won
But the seed of good prevails
As he stands before them all in fearless calm
But most important now
He stands before his maker
Committed to the truth that he has found
O heyo, O heyo
He will follow the red road
O heyo, O heyo
He will follow the red road...repeat...fade
Music and Lyrics by Denean
(Lakota words by Howard Bad Hand)
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
I look into your eyes
And I find heaven on this earth
I search within my heart
And I find new feelings in their birth
A love that's growing stronger
A dream that's in my view
We'll walk this earth together
Me and you in love
Eagle in the sky
You give your blessings to our mother
Soaring there on high
And soaring in the hearts of every woman and man who knows
This love that's growing stronger
This dream that's in our view
We'll share her love together
We and you, we and you
In perfect love and wisdom
Justice for each
Harmony in all we do
May we live in peace
So look within your heart
And find the truth of all that is
It's not so very far
To this place of heaven's joyful bliss
This love that's growing stronger
This dream that's in our view
To live the way of heaven
In all we do
In all we do
Let there be peace
Music and Lyrics by Denean
(Lyrical contributions by Howard Bad Hand)
© Copyright 1993 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Special Thanks to:
Mark Derryberry, Larry Thompson, Steve Sykes, Kirwan Brown, Jonas Tauber, Dik Darnell, Howard Bad Hand, Erin Bad Hand, Erika Bad Hand, Jeremy Bad Hand, Wendy Rubin, Tim Saupitty, Michael Martin, Patty Lukenbach, Bob Jacobs, and my family for their constant loving support.
Mixed by: Dik and Mark
Recorded at: FanFare Recording Studios, Golden, CO
Digitally Mastered by: Brian Gardner at Bernie Grundman Studios, Los Angeles, CA
Cover Painting: Tim Saupitty, Lawton, OK
Photographs: Wendy Rubin, The Human Touch, Boulder, CO
Insert Photo: Marsha Verploegh