Song Lyrics
As she held his hand, he could not speak
But she knew it was his time to leave this world
And those eyes of crystal blue so deep
They touched her heart in ways she'd never known
Now messengers of holy light whisper through the veil
Reaching out to gently touch her soul
Ray of love descending to this precious one
Left here on her own
He sends you his love by way of angels
They hold you in their arms even now
He sends you his love by way of angels
Put away your fear and rest in heaven's peace
In the essence of a rose, he says
"Look for me; You'll find me there
In the beauty of the maple tree
Look for me; I'll be there
Know that in your heart, the love you feel
I reside there too
And in the baby's sweetest smile
I am there with you"
He sends you his love by way of angels
They hold you in their arms even now
He sends you his love by way of angels
Put away your tears and rest in heaven's peace
He sends you his love by way of angels
They hold you in their arms even now
He sends you his love by way of angels
Put away your fear and rest in heaven's peace
Heaven's peace oooh...
Put away your fear and rest in heaven's peace
"He loves you Mama and so do I"
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
I know you look at me with anger in your heart
And I don't even know who you are
I've been told that you perceive me there from afar
As the reason you are hurting in your heart
But I am here to say in the only way
That I know may ever have a chance to reach you
This is what I lovingly believe
All of us were born into this earthly plane
Just doing the best that we can
But sometimes we're afraid, oh we're so afraid
To look at the truth that lies within
So instead we must find blame, we judge and try to shame
Those who live in the world around us
Oh so desperately trying not to see
We don't want to know the pain that comes in owning
That which is our own
So inside my heart I'm making room for you
I'll hold you there in the warmth of love
And all the things you say, I won't let them block the way
To hold you there in the warmth of love
And I am here to say in the only way
That I know may ever have a chance to reach you
Won't you open up your heart and know the love inside
Just take the first step to find who you are
This is what I lovingly see
You see, I know it well
For once it was me
Mitakuwe Oyas'in
We are all related
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Here I am alone with myself
Just my will and me
Uncharted waters before me now
The face of destiny
Oh mirror staring back I see
The truth behind my eyes
There comes a time when every soul must finally realize
Realize the truth behind those eyes
It's always just a choice you know
Will you fly or fall
Perceptions from a victim world
Don't mean a thing at all
Do you wear the face of woundedness
Or leave it in the past
What reflection do you choose to see
In the looking glass
It's time to let go of the past
And the angels say:
"When you pick up your bed and walk directly to the light
We'll help you as your wings unfold, be with you in your flight
Live your life with a peaceful heart, let the love begin to flow
Teach this to your fellowman, that's all there is to know
All there is you know...love"
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
It has become so obvious to me
That I must let you go
That I must let you know
I will be free
It has become so obvious to me
You can't run me anymore
You don't own me like before
I am free
This is a letter to my desire
For things to be what they cannot be
And from this place that I now stand
On this shore of shifting sands
I proclaim the death of pain
I have carried for so long
Obscured in the wrongs from the past
I have done to myself
I must change this pattern of my being
Therefore I am here to say
Desire, you can't stay
You don't belong
There's a light, I see it in my being
Desire, you must face
It has come to take your place
It is the Way
And so this letter to you, Desire
This is the way it shall be
From this place that I now stand
On this shore of shifting sands
There's a light that I now see
And it will carry me
On wings to a life of truly loving myself
And so Desire, I will for what's higher
And this is the way it shall be
From this place that I now stand
On this shore of shifting sands
Good-bye Desire
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
For so long he had pleaded, "Just let me be me"
He said, "I need to know I am free"
But I could not see past my desire
To make him fit into my dream
That ideals and illusions require
And virtue again goes unseen
"Now what is this virtue you speak of?" You say
"Seems plain now and common as stone
Why would I choose it? Tell me, what is it's way?
Help me take this one down, take this one down
Take this one down to the bone"
'Tis the cry at the heart of all of mankind
Whether they know it or not
The pure gem of peace, the "Seekers" seek
The truth that has been long forgot
Can I make it like fruit that you pick from a tree
In a few simple words on a page?
Yet another illusion begins to take form
And there stands desire in outrage
Now perhaps you can see how the choice becomes made
Once again to be set for the fall
Through the eye of a needle, someone once said
That subtle other choice softly calls:
Surrender whatever it is in this world
Silence the voices that rage
Empty your heart, not an easy thing
Hopeless. Fearless, Selfless
Become the Sage
I can only give road signs to Virtue's way
This journey is "soully'" your own
For only you can ever know yourself
Only you can find your way home
As for the plea that he made "Just let me be me"
He said, "I need to know I am free"
My words have become finally my truth
What's real when it's all said and done
What's real when it's all said and done:
Who I marry is Virtue
My faith is in what's true
About you
About me too
This Virtue that says who we become
I can only give road signs
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Little girl sitting on the white board fence
Talking to the trees
Mockingbird dancing top the 'lectric pole
Singing just for her you see
For he knew that she
Was the farmer's daughter
Put down by pretentious society
In masks of complacent disdain
Though obvious one of ability
Still less she must be to their gain
For all they could see through their vain
Was only "a farmer's daughter"
Now the farmer is gone but the daughter remains
And it causes me to look more deeply
At the roots of existence from which I came
Oh, Mama and Daddy believe me
With all of my heart I can say
I am the farmer's daughter
As he danced with the seasons living close to the earth
Honest and plain was his life
No use for the nonsense of status and fame
Just into the loving of life
With Mama so close by his side
So gracefully filling her part as the farmer's wife
Oh the Tao of such a simple life
The wealth of a spirit so pure
Giving all of his heart, giving all of his soul
That the family might endure
And of one thing I am sure
I am honored just to be this farmer's daughter
I am the farmer's daughter
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
I AM (Song of the Sandia Mountains)
Song Lyrics
I am that I am, oh I am
Be still and know I am God
I am that I am, oh I am
Be still and know I am God
In the silence be still
And know, be still
Breathe my gift of life to you
Embrace the love I give to you
I give to you
I am that I am, oh I am
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know
In the silence
I am that I am
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
You smile at me as though you are a friend
But your words are only make-believe, you are just pretending
Cause I have heard the things that your are saying
To others just to do me harm
Oh why are you betraying your own soul
Your own soul, your own soul this way
Don't you think it's time to look within yourself
To the reason why you're doing all these crazy things you're doing
Don't you know it all comes back to you again until you learn to truly love
And live a life of goodness for the sake of
Your own soul, your own soul
And even though you'll see that I'll withdraw
I must because I cannot be a party to this darkness
Know that in my heart I set you free
These words are just the truth there is no judgement left behind them
Only that which comes from your own soul
Written by Denean
© Copyright Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Lowly like water flow
Softly yielding
Always seeking
Union with the whole
Blow gentle wind gently blow
Always healing
All revealing
What's within the soul
Flow, flow like water flow
Always giving
Always living
Low like water low
Know, it's within you to know
Softly yielding
And receiving
Union with the whole
Union with the whole
Low like water
Written by Denean
(with melody adaptation from
Shout Song #2 by Howard Bad Hand)
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Yielding as the river, revealing as the wind
Light giving as the sun in the sky
Gentle as the mother nursing her tiny babe
Strong as the father night to day
T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi
Empty is this moment waiting to be filled
Fullness of spirit to be revealed
Still as the mountain deep within the soul
From there to watch all movement unfold
T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi', T'ai Chi
Fingers ever pointing to what we call the Tao
Though 'tis ever nameless
Still we try somehow
We try somehow
T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi, T'ai Chi
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
Song Lyrics
Let the wind blow through my hair
Let the eagle in my heart fly
What will be let it be
Set the wild horse free and fly
Eagles were made to soar the heavens
They grace us with the wonder of their presence
And I don't have the right to keep one from her flight
This eagle in my heart now must fly, fly, fly
Let the fear and pretense like a robe fall to the ground
That I no longer need to hide behind
I stand here naked in the light on this mountain in the sight of God
And dare to dream my dream
Then give it to my maker, give it wings
Bless it while I hold it in my hands
Then set it free, give it wings
Eagles were made to soar the heavens
They grace us with the wonder of their presence
And I don't have the right to keep one from her flight
This eagle in my heart now must fly, fly, fly
Let the fear and pretense like a robe fall to the ground
That I no longer need to hide behind
I stand here naked in the light on this mountain in the sight of God
I stand here naked in the light on this mountain in the sight of God
And fly, fly, fly
Written by Denean
© Copyright 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI
All Rights Reserved
BY WAY OF ANGELS: Denean: Vocals, Piano, Keyboards * David Parlato:Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Ken Battat: Percussion * Daniel Ward: Acoustic Guitar. RESPONDING: Denean: Vocals, Piano, Percussion * David Parlato:Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Jeff Nelson: Keyboards * Deborah Barbe: Cello * Ken Battat: Percussion. TRUTH BEHIND THOSE EYES: Denean: Vocals, Piano, Keyboard * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Daniel Ward:Flamenco Guitar, Classical Guitar * Ken Battat: Percussion * Jeff Nelson:Keyboards * Scott Jarrett: Background Vocals. LETTER TO MY DESIRE: Denean: Vocals, Keyboards * Jeff Nelson: Additional Keyboard Programming. WHEN IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE: Denean: Vocals, Keyboards * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Ken Battat: Percussion * Scott Jarrett:Electric Guitar. THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER: Denean: Vocals, Piano, Keyboards * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Jeff Nelson:Keyboards * Ken Battat: Percussion * Deborah Barbe: Cello * Chet Evans:Acoustic Guitar. I AM (SONG OF THE SANDIA MOUNTAINS): Denean:Vocals, Piano, Keyboards, Percussion * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling:Drums * Daniel Ward: Electric Guitar * Jeff Nelson: Keyboards. YOUR OWN SOUL: Denean: Vocals, Keyboards * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Jeff Nelson: Keyboards * Chet Evans: Acoustic Guitar. LIKE WATER: Denean: Vocals, Piano, Keyboards * David Parlato: Bass * Ken Battat:Percussion * Daniel Ward: Electric and Acoustic Guitar. T'AI CHI: Denean: Vocals, Keyboards, Percussion * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Scott Jarrett: Background Vocals. EAGLE IN MY HEART: Denean: Vocals, Piano * David Parlato: Bass * Andy Poling: Drums * Jeff Nelson: Keyboards * Ken Battat: Percussion * Daniel Ward: Electric Guitar. All Songs © 1998 Sacred Earth Music, BMI / Written by Denean * Like Water: Written by Denean with melody adaptation from Shout Song #2 by Howard Bad Hand.
Recorded at Thunderbird Recording Studio, Tijeras, NM
Engineered by Eric Larson / Addition engineering by Scott Jarrett
Mixed by Eric Larson at The Santa Fe Center Studios, Albuquerque, NM
Mastered by Paul Blakemore at Airshow Mastering, Boulder, CO
Graphic Design by Denean
Photo Credits: Marsha VerPloegh; David Reynolds; Mary Alice Reynolds
Special Thanks to:
Howard Bad Had, for your enduring friendship; Eric Larson, for all your support in the production of this album and for your trusted friendship; Sid Fendly, Doug Geist, Jr; Peter Amaral, Ron Harris, Gene Oak, Wally and Harry. To all of the incredibly talented people who made this album possible...thank you for your dedication and hard work. To Mom (the farmer's wife); My big brother, David, (the farmer's son) and his family, Sandy, Daniel and Adam. To Lao Tzu, for the Tao Te Ching and to The Sage.
Thank you, Creator, for the blessing of the Spirit by which we live. May we show our appreciation by sharing the gift.
This recording is at 432 Hz and the full dynamic range of the original performances has been preserved.
To learn more about dynamic range and why it is important please visit www.TurnMeUp.org